Here is the script I use to create the postfix/postgres maps.

#         FILE:
#        USAGE:  ./
#  DESCRIPTION:  create the postgres maps for postfix and produce a shell
#                script to save the current settings and set the new ones
#                This software is provided under the GNU GPLv3 license
#                for terms and conditions see
#     ******************** IMPORTANT **************************
#     Before running, check your database connections
#     and the directory and postconf utility locations
#     Only basic error correcting is implemented
#     The configuration is provided in hashes at the top of this
#     file.
#     Check you database settings in the $DbConnectionSettings hash
#     In the  $UserSettings map the following keys need to be defined
#        * postfix_conf_dir 
#        * postconf 
#     Map definitions are held in the $MapFileSettings hash
#     Optional settings are in the $MorePostfixSettings hash
#     ******************** IMPORTANT **************************
#      OPTIONS:  none
# REQUIREMENTS:  perl, Carp, Readonly
#         BUGS: minimal error handling
#        NOTES:
#       AUTHOR:   (tim ), 
#      VERSION:  0.8
#      CREATED:  14/10/12 12:19:31 GMT
#     REVISION:  ---

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use Readonly;

# Fill in the correct connection strings for your database here
my $DbConnectionSettings = {
    pg => {
        host      => 'database',
        database  => 'postfix_test',
        user      => 'postfixadmin_test',
        password  => 'postfixtestpass',
        port      => '5432',
        mapprefix => 'pgsql',
        comments  => '',
    my => {
        host      => 'database',
        database  => 'postfixtest',
        user      => 'postfixadmin_test',
        password  => 'postfixpasstest',
        mapprefix => 'mysql',
        comments  => '',

# Other required settings. read first
my $UserSettings = {
    # Postfix configuration directory
    #postfix_conf_dir => '/tmp/pf',                   # testing
    #postfix_conf_dir => '/usr/local/etc/postfix',    # FreeBSD
    #postfix_conf_dir => '/etc/postfix',              # linux

    # check the location of your postconf command and then set this
    #postconf => '/usr/sbin/postconf',                # Linux
    #postconf => '/usr/local/sbin/postconf',          # FreeBSD

    conf_dir  => 'pgsql',   # sub dir under postfix_conf_dir to place maps
    use_proxy => 'yes',     # add the proxy: directive in from of the map type

    # name of the shell script containing the  postconf commands to save the
    # existing settings and add the new ones.
    shell_script => '', # ensure it's at the top/first when listing

    postfix_user  => 'root',       # name of the owner of the map files
    postfix_group => 'postfix',    # postfix group - should be postfix

    create_test_sql_line =>
        'yes',    # create connection test lines in the shell script

    sql_cmd_lines => {
        pg => "psql -h HOST -U USER -w DATABASE < < _PGCMD\n\\dt\n_PGCMD\n\n",
        my =>
            "mysql -u USER -h HOST -p -D DATABASE< <_MYCMD\nselect * from alias\n_MYCMD\n\n",

    version => '0.8',


# I don't use mySql - so I can't guarentee mysql
# queries will work.
# format is
# map_description=> {
#                   file => filename in the conf_dir directory
#                   pg => postgres query
#                   my => mysql query
#                   postconf => array of config lines in for this map
#                   comments => optional array of comments for map file
#  }
my $MapFileSettings = {

    virtual_domains_maps => {
        file => "",
        pg   => { query => "SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain=' % s'", },
        my   => { query => "SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain=' % s'", },
        postconf => [ 'virtual_mailbox_domains=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],

    alias_domain => {
        file => '',

        pg => {
            query =>
                "SELECT target_domain FROM alias_domain WHERE alias_domain='%s'",
        my => {
            query =>
                "SELECT target_domain FROM alias_domain WHERE alias_domain='%s'",
        postconf => [ 'virtual_alias_domains=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],

    gids => {
        file     => '',
        comments => [
            '# if you are using static GIDS you could also return a constant',
            '# the query to return a different guid for each user',
            "#           query=SELECT gid FROM mailbox WHERE username='%s'",
            '# or return a static value from the map',
            '#           query=SELECT 12 as gid',
            '# ',
            '# or you could use the "static" keyword in the configuration. eg: ',
            '# ',
            '#       virtual_gid_maps = static:12',
        my => { query => "SELECT gid FROM mailbox WHERE username='%s'", },
        pg => { query => 'SELECT 12 as gid', },
        postconf => [ 'virtual_gid_maps=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],

    relay_alias_domains_maps => {
        file => '',
        pg   => {
            query => "SELECT a.domain FROM domain a, domain t, alias_domain"
                . " WHERE a.domain='%s' AND a.transport = 'relay' AND AND"
                . " alias_domain.alias_domain = a.domain AND"
                . " AND t.domain = alias_domain.target_domain AND t.transport = 'relay'"
                . " AND",

        my => {
            query => "SELECT a.domain FROM domain a, domain t, alias_domain"
                . " WHERE a.domain='%s' AND a.transport = 'relay' AND AND"
                . " alias_domain.alias_domain = a.domain AND"
                . " AND t.domain = alias_domain.target_domain AND t.transport = 'relay'"
                . " AND",

        postconf => [ 'relay_domains=$mydestination, MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],

    relay_domains => {
        file => '',
        pg   => {
            query =>
                "select * from alias_domain where alias_domain = '%s' AND )",
        postconf => [ 'relay_domains =MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],

    relay_password => {
        file => '',
        pg   => {
            query =>
                "select username || ':' || password as pw  from x_relay_password"
                . " where relay='%s' and active",
        postconf => [ 'smtp_sasl_password_maps = MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],

    relay_transports => {
        file => '',
        pg   => {
            query =>
                "SELECT 'relay:[' || description || ']' as t  FROM domain"
                . " WHERE domain='%s' and transport = 'relay' and active ",
        postconf => [ 'smtp_sasl_password_maps = MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],


    transport => {
        file => '',
        pg => { query => "SELECT transport FROM domain WHERE domain='%s'", },
        my => { query => "SELECT transport FROM domain WHERE domain='%s'", },
        postconf => [ 'transport_maps=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],

    uids => {
        file => '',

        pg => { query => "SELECT 3000 as uid", },
        my => { query => "SELECT uid FROM mailbox WHERE username='%s'", },
        postconf => [ 'virtual_uid_maps = MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],
        comments => [
            '# if you are using static UIDS you could also return a constant',
            '# the query to return a different uid for each user',
            "# query=SELECT uid FROM mailbox WHERE username='%s'",
            '# ',
            '# or you could use the "static" keyword in the configuration. eg: ',
            '# ',
            '#       virtual_uid_maps = static:3000',
            '#       virtual_minimum_uid = 3000',

    virtual_alias_maps => {
        file => '',
        pg   => {
            query => "SELECT goto FROM alias WHERE address='%s' AND active",
        my => {
            query => "SELECT goto FROM alias WHERE address='%s' AND active",
        postconf => [
            'virtual_alias_maps=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE, hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases, hash:/etc/postfix/aliases',
            'alias_maps=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE, hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases, hash:/etc/postfix/aliases',

    virtual_domains_maps => {
        file => '',
        pg   => { query => "SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain='%s'", },
        my   => { query => "SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain='%s'", },
        postconf => [ 'virtual_mailbox_domains = MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],
        comments => [
            '#optional query to use when relaying for backup MX',
            "#query = SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain='%s' and backupmx = false and active = t",

    virtual_mailbox_limits => {   # I don't use quotas, so this isn't enabled.
        file     => '',
        comments => [ '# quota support', ],
        postconf => ['# virtual_mailbox_limit=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE'],
        pg => { query => "SELECT quota FROM mailbox WHERE username='%s'", },
        my => { query => "SELECT quota FROM mailbox WHERE username='%s'", },

    virtual_mailbox_maps => {
        file => '',
        pg   => {
            query => "SELECT maildir FROM postfix_mailbox "
                . " WHERE username='%s' AND active",
        my => {
            query => "SELECT maildir FROM postfix_mailbox "
                . " WHERE username='%s' AND active",
        postconf => [ 'virtual_mailbox_maps=MAPTYPE:MAPFILE', ],


# fill in another other settings you would like applied (domains etc)
# shfilecommands => array of additional lines for the shell script
my $MorePostfixSettings = {

    postconf => [
        'alias_database = hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases, hash:/etc/postfix/aliases',





    # text to include verbatim in the shell file
    shfilecommands => [
        '# ',
        'echo Remember to check the file',
        '# enter the following lines for dovecot delivery to the file',
        '# point deliver to the location your utility is located',
        '# dovecot  unix  -      n       n       -        -       pipe',
        '#    flags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipient} -a ${recipient}  -f ${sender}',



sub MkTimeStamp {

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
#     return a formatted date in YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format
#     uses currrent time

    my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) =
    $year += 1900;
    return sprintf( '%4.0d-%2.2d-%2.2d-%2.0d%2.0d',
        $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min );

sub MkPostConfCommand {

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
#     return a correctly formatted postfix configuration line
#     If the global use_proxy is set to yes in the $UserSettings hash then the
#     argument "proxy" is prefixed to the map type.
#     ie. command=proxy:pgsql:/path/to/file or
#         command=pgsql:/path/to/file or
#     args
#     the postfix command line
#     the name of the map file
#     the directory the map file is located
#     the maptype as defined in the DbConnectionSettings hash. pgsql or mysql etc
#     returns
#     formatted line.
    my $postfixConfLine = shift;
    my $mapFile         = shift;
    my $destDir         = shift;
    my $mapType         = shift;
    $postfixConfLine =~ s/MAPFILE/$destDir\/$mapFile/;
    $postfixConfLine =~ s/MAPTYPE/proxy:MAPTYPE/
        if ( $UserSettings->{use_proxy} );
    $postfixConfLine =~ s/MAPTYPE/$mapType/;
    return $postfixConfLine;

sub CreateFileHeader {

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
#     create the database connection string used by each map file
#     args:
#     database => 
#     dbtype   => 
#     user     => 
#     passwd   => >database user's password>
#     include_comments => yes or no. Include some extra comments from the db
#     settings hash
#     returns:
#     string holding the file header

    my ($arg_ref) = @_;
    my $retVal = "#\n";
    my $connType;

    Readonly my %ARG_DEFAULTS => (
        database         => '',
        dbtype           => 'pg',
        user             => '',
        password         => '',
        include_comments => "yes",

    my %args =
        ref $arg_ref eq 'HASH'
        ? ( %ARG_DEFAULTS, %{$arg_ref} )
        : %ARG_DEFAULTS;

    $connType = $args{db};

    if ( defined $DbConnectionSettings->{$connType} ) {

        $retVal .= "# Database connection details\n"
            . "# Connection type is [$connType] ";

        if ( defined $DbConnectionSettings->{$connType}->{type} ) {
            $retVal .= "($DbConnectionSettings->{$connType}->{type})";
        $retVal .= "\n";
        if ( defined $DbConnectionSettings->{$connType}->{comments} ) {
            $retVal .= "# $DbConnectionSettings->{$connType}->{comments}\n";
        $retVal .= "#\n";
        # add all the connection settings if the are defined
        foreach my $f ( 'host', 'database', 'user', 'password', 'port' ) {
            if ( defined( $DbConnectionSettings->{$connType}->{$f} ) ) {
                $retVal .= "$f = $DbConnectionSettings->{$connType}->{$f}\n";
    else {
        $retVal .= < < "_CONNERR";
# ********* ERROR **********\
# No Valid Database Connection Provided for
# database of type [$connType]
# Please provide correct values for the following connection details
# host
# database
# user
# password



    $retVal .= "\n";

    if (   ( $args{include_comments} eq 'Yes' )
        && ( defined $DbConnectionSettings->{comments} ) )
        # add any additional comments - if any
        for ( my $j = 0; $j < $#{ $DbConnectionSettings->{comments} }; $j++ )
            $retVal .= "# $DbConnectionSettings->{comments}->[$j]\n";

        $retVal .= "\n#\n";

    return $retVal;

sub MkMapFile {

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
# write out the map file
# args
#     header      : the database connection information
#     query       : the query to run
#     file        : the name of the file
#     destination : location of postfix configuration directory (or other location)
#     maptype     : pgsql or mysql
#     timestamp   : to identify when the file was created
#     comments    : any additional lines to go into the map file (comments etc)
# returns
#    a string containing the whole map file

    my ($arg_ref) = @_;
    my $retVal = '';
    my $connType;
    my $mapFileContents;

    Readonly my %ARG_DEFAULTS => (

        # maptype     => 'pgsql', # set correct default if required
        header      => "#\n",
        query       => 'select 1;',
        destination => $ENV{TMPDIR},
        maptype     => 'Unknown',       # raise an error in
        timestamp   => MkTimeStamp(),
        file => int( (rand) * 100000000 ) . '.cf',

        associated_postconf_line => undef,

    my %args =
        ref $arg_ref eq 'HASH'
        ? ( %ARG_DEFAULTS, %{$arg_ref} )
        : %ARG_DEFAULTS;

    my $file = "$arg_ref->{destination}/$arg_ref->{file}";

    if ( -f $file ) {
        unlink $file;

    while ( $args{query} =~ s/  / / ) {
    }    # strip multiple spaces out of the query
         # common settings - database connection details
         # and a timestamp
    $mapFileContents = < < "_SHFILE_TOP";
# File: $args{file}
# Created: $args{timestamp}
# Auto-generated
query = $args{query}


    # add the associated settings as comments to
    # the file, so to provide an easy reference when looking
    # at the map
    if ( defined( $args{associated_postconf_line} ) ) {
        $mapFileContents .= "\n#\n#\n"
            . "# The line(s) in your file relating to this file:\n";

        for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{ $args{associated_postconf_line} }; $j++ ) {
            $mapFileContents .= '# ' . MkPostConfCommand(
                $args{associated_postconf_line}->[$j], # command
                $args{file},                           # name of the map file
                $args{destination},                    # destination directory
                $args{maptype},    # type of map (pgsql.mysql)
            ) . "\n\n";

    # if there are additional lines to add to the map file add them.
    if ( defined( $args{comments} ) ) {
        $mapFileContents .= "\n\n#\n# Additional comments\n#\n#\n";
        foreach my $comment ( @{ $args{comments} } ) {
            $mapFileContents .= "$comment\n";

    $mapFileContents .= "\n\n# END OF GENERATED MAP\n";

    open my $CF, ">", $file || carp "can't open $file for writing";
    print $CF $mapFileContents;
    close $CF;

    return $mapFileContents;

sub MkShellFile {

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
# create the shell script that will save the existing settings
# and then run teh new ones
# args
# command list: reference to the array
# comments ; reference to comment array
# shellcommands : reference to shell command array
# timestamp: timestamp string
# conntype : connection (database) type
# destination directory:  where to place this (same as map files)
# returns
#  string holding the shell file
    my ($arg_ref) = @_;
    my $commands  = $arg_ref->{commands};
    my $comments  = $arg_ref->{comments};
    my $timestamp = $arg_ref->{timestamp};
    my $shellCmds = $arg_ref->{shellcommands};
    my $connType  = $arg_ref->{conntype};
    my $destDir   = $arg_ref->{destination};

    # Step 1. create the header
    my $shellFile = < < "_SHFILE";
# Postfix commands to set references to these maps
# Created: $timestamp
echo The postconf command is \${PCCMD}

# timestamp
ts=\$(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S)
echo the old settings will be saved to file \${savedfile}

# Record the current settings for posterity

    # Step 2. create lines to save the existing settings
    # and place them in a save file for reference
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#{$commands}; $i++ ) {
        next if $commands =~ /^#/;
        ( $shellFile .= '$PCCMD -n "' . $commands->[$i] ) =~ s/=.*$//;
        $shellFile .= '" >> ${savedfile}' . "\n";

    # Step 3. Apply the settings to the file
    # using the postconf command
    $shellFile .= "#\n#\n# Set the parameters\n#\n";
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#{$commands}; $i++ ) {
        $shellFile .= "\$PCCMD -e \"$commands->[$i]\"\n";

    # Step 4. include any additional comments or commands
    $shellFile .= "#\n#\n";
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#{$shellCmds}; $i++ ) {
        $shellFile .= "$shellCmds->[$i]\n";
    $shellFile .= "#\n#\n";
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#{$comments}; $i++ ) {
        $shellFile .= "$comments->[$i]\n";

    # Step 5.
    # If config->{create_test_sql_line} is yes
    # then make a test connection to the database
    if ( $UserSettings->{create_test_sql_line} eq "yes" ) {

            .= "\n\n#\n# command lines to test the connection settings\n"
            . "# copy to the command line to use.\n#\n";

        foreach my $key ( sort keys $UserSettings->{sql_cmd_lines} ) {

            my $sql = $UserSettings->{sql_cmd_lines}->{$key};

            my $host     = $DbConnectionSettings->{$key}->{host};
            my $database = $DbConnectionSettings->{$key}->{database};
            my $port     = $DbConnectionSettings->{$key}->{port};
            my $password = $DbConnectionSettings->{$key}->{password};
            my $user     = $DbConnectionSettings->{$key}->{user};

            $sql =~ s/DATABASE/$database/;
            $sql =~ s/USER/$user/;
            $sql =~ s/HOST/$host/;
            $sql =~ s/PORT/$port/;
            ## uncomment to store plaintext password in file
            #$sql =~ s/PASSWORD/$password/;

            $shellFile .= "$sql\n";

    $shellFile .= "#\n#\n# END OF settings\n";
    return $shellFile;

sub MkFiles {

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
# go through the $MapFileSettings hash and produce all the map files and place
# in the location defing in the config hash.
# store a list of all the required postfix commands and create a
# small shell script that can save the existing settings and then
# set the options to point to the new maps.
# args
# db : this is a valid type as defined in the db settings (pg or my)
# destination: destination directory to pace maps
# returns
#   0;
    my ($arg_ref) = @_;
    my $connType  = $arg_ref->{db};            # connection type
    my $destDir   = $arg_ref->{destination};

    my $timestamp = MkTimeStamp();    # timestamp text for file headers
    my @shCommands;                   # array to hold all shell script
    my @commands;                     # array to hold all postconf commands
    my @comments;                     # array to hold additional comments
    my $shellFileContents;            # hold the generated shell script
    my $confcmd;                      # tmp var to hold postconf command
    my $map;                          # tmp var to hold current map details
    my $shFileName =
        "$destDir/$UserSettings->{shell_script}";    # file name of sh script

    my $postfixUID = getpwnam( $UserSettings->{postfix_user} );
    my $postfixGID = getgrnam( $UserSettings->{postfix_group} );

    if ( !defined $postfixUID ) {
        croak " Can't find user $UserSettings->{postfix_user}
                . Please check user exists ";

    # mapprefix : the string required in the map option (pgsql or mysql)
    my $mapPrefix =
        $DbConnectionSettings->{ $arg_ref->{db} }->{mapprefix};

    # create the database connection details use by all files
    my $header = CreateFileHeader( { db => $connType } );

    if ( !-d $destDir ) {
        mkdir $destDir;
        croak " Can't make directory $destDir" if ( !-d $destDir );

    # step 1.  Create all the map files
    foreach my $def ( sort keys $MapFileSettings ) {
        $map = $MapFileSettings->{$def};
        if ( defined( $map->{$connType} ) ) {

                {   file                     => $map->{file},
                    header                   => $header,
                    query                    => $map->{$connType}->{query},
                    destination              => $destDir,
                    associated_postconf_line => $map->{postconf},
                    timestamp                => $timestamp,
                    maptype                  => $mapPrefix,
                    comments                 => $map->{comments},
                    postfix_gid              => $postfixGID,
                    postfix_uid              => $postfixUID,

            # change the ownership and rights to rw-r----
            push( @shCommands,
                "chown $UserSettings->{postfix_user}:$UserSettings->{postfix_group} $map->{file}"
            push( @shCommands, "chmod 0640 $map->{file}" );

            if ( defined $map->{postconf} ) {  # extract the postconf settings
                for ( my $j = 0; $j < = $#{ $map->{postconf} }; $j++ ) {
                    $confcmd = MkPostConfCommand(
                        $map->{postconf}->[$j],    # the command
                        $map->{file},              # the name of the map file
                        $destDir,                  # location directory
                        $mapPrefix                 # map type (pgsql/mysql
                    push( @commands, $confcmd );

    # step 2:
    # get the additional postfix commands
    # TODO: no substutions done here but could be easily added if needed
    for my $command ( @{ $MorePostfixSettings->{postconf} } ) {
        push( @commands, $command );
    # step 3:
    # get the additional comments/commands
    for my $comment ( @{ $MorePostfixSettings->{shfilecommands} } ) {
        push( @comments, $comment );

    # Step 4:
    # add all the commands to a shell script and write it
    # to the same directory as the configuration files
    $shellFileContents = MkShellFile(
        {   commands      => \@commands,
            destination   => $destDir,
            timestamp     => $timestamp,
            comments      => \@comments,
            shellcommands => \@shCommands,
            conntype      => $connType,

    unlink $shFileName if ( -e $shFileName );

    open my $CONF, " > ",
        $shFileName || croak " Can't open $shFileName for writing $!\n ";
    print $CONF $shellFileContents;
    close $CONF;

    return 0;



if ( !defined( $UserSettings->{postfix_conf_dir} ) ) {
        'Configuration directory not defined in $UserSettings->{postfix_conf_dir}';

if ( !defined( $UserSettings->{postconf} ) ) {
        'Postfix postconf utility is not defined in $UserSettings->{postconf}';
if ( !defined( $UserSettings->{conf_dir} ) ) {
    croak 'map directory is not defined in $UserSettings->{conf_dir}';

my $dest_dir = "$UserSettings->{postfix_conf_dir}/$UserSettings->{conf_dir}";
MkFiles( { db => 'pg', destination => $dest_dir } );


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