Since I’ve been writing about bits and pieces of my set up, I thought it might be useful to give it a bit of context.
I’ve been running email on my home system for years, starting with Sendmail and Pine then moving onto a more sophisticated system giving group-ware functionality.
A purchase of a digital camera 13 years ago (followed by several generations of replacement cameras and the ubiquitous mobile phone) has meant that a huge number of family photos were now only in digital format, and only stored on one disk.
A project to digitise my CD collection to reduce the clutter in the house also left various audio files sitting on a couple of machines and my phase 2 project to do the same for my DVDs put on hold.
The mail system was adequate, but I was feeling more uneasy about the storage situation, especially the photos.
The cost per MB has continued to fall, so my initial project was to build a NAS.
Continue reading The evolution of my system Part 1. →